Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Today was Good

Today was good.  I felt much better than yesterday and haven't been hungry at all.  I was a bit anxious this morning, but took meds and felt much better.  I even made cheesecake swirl brownies for my daughter to take on her trip and didn't even lick the bowl!  Now I'm all relaxed and ready for bed.

Tomorrow is another one.  Tomorrow we go into the city for a court date.  My daughter was witness to a hit and run and then we've got to meet up with her boyfriend for them to go to the convention.  I'm not happy about the long drive they're taking.  I'll have anxiety attacks as long as they're on the road.  I guess I'll have to live with that the rest of my life.  I'm not happy about that either.

Yesterday was horrible.  Today was good.  It gives me hope.

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